TPM -a famous acronym among Indonesians for Tim Pengacara
Muslim (Moslem Lawyers Team)- is a group
of Indonesian moslem lawyers who are eager to defend moslem activists
implicated by Indonesian criminal code when they defend the oppressed and
struggle for the implementation of Islamic Syariah laws. The propaganda of War
Against Terrorism initiated by the USA and its allies has stigmatized some
moslems who are determined to fight for the truth and justice based on Islam as
nothing but terrorists.
TPM was formed by the case of Ustadz Ja’far Umar Thalib,
commander of jihad group of Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah, during the humanitarian
tragedy which befell upon moslems in Ambon in January 1999 known as The Bloody
Idul Fitri. Afterwards, one case after another kept appearing in Ambon Molucca
and Poso Central Sulawesi where thousands of moslems were slaughtered, dissappeared, became refugees, and lost their
civil rights like ownership of lands.
TPM also defended the case of Habib Muhammad Rizieq Shihab
(chairman of Islam Defenders Front / FPI) and Ustadz Abu Bakar Ba’asyir
(chairman of The Board of Indonesian Mujahidin / MMI) and so many other cases,
following the arrest of many moslem activists by the authority accusing them of
being terrorists since the first Bali Bomb Blast in 2002 until now. TPM feels
obliged to defend the legal rights of those accused of terrrorism when TPM is
requested for legal aid by the family of the defendant or by the defendant
himself. The cases handled by TPM has amounted to more than 200 cases, among
others are Christmas Eve Bomb, Bali Bom I and II, Australian Embassy Bombing,
J.W. Marriot Hotel Bombing, Cimanggis Bomb, the arrest of ex-humanitarian
volunteers of Kompak DDII (Committee of Crisis Solution of Indonesian Board of
Da’wah Islamiyyah) in Ambon and Poso and etc.
Everyone agrees that terrorism is against humanity.
Terorrist acts are not justified by all religions, but we realize that it is
actually only reaction to global injustices. It is caused by the condition of
hopelessness of those oppressed whose last resort is only terror to express
their grievances and resistance.TPM lawyers do not condone any terrorist acts
and struggle to uphold the law, the truth, and the justice. We work
professionally as Defense Lawyers to make sure defendants receive the due
process of law. We advocate proper implementation of the Indonesian criminal
procedural law (KUHAP) and the respect for the defendants’ inalienable human
Indonesia is the largest moslem country in the world and now
being targeted by an unjust false propaganda. Indonesia is projected as the
breeding ground for terrorism. Moslems form the majority and when the largest
part of the population become marginalized in the political, economical, social
and cultural life in this country, so automatically those oppressed are mostly
moslem. Moslems must stand up for their rights and take their stands to change for
the better future. It can not be
achieved unless moslems return to the basic teachings of Al-Quran and
As-Sunnah. Therefore TPM lawyers participate in the struggle toward the
enactment and implementation of Syari’ah Islamiyyah in all fields of life.
TPM provides legal aid for moslems all over the world on pro bono basis whether civil or criminal
case on the condition that those cases are for the sake of protecting the
syar’i (legitimate) interests and rights of moslem ummah. We fight against all
kinds of oppression and injustices meted out against Moslems worldwide. The
defamation of The Prophet Muhammad PBUH in the carricatural drawing in the
Danish newspaper Jyllands Posten and His relief on the wall of the US Supreme
Court building and recent remarks by Pope Benedictus XVI of Vatican that
discredited Islam and moslems are clear examples that moslems are incessantly
cornered. The slaughter of moslems in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Lebanon,
Thailand and in other part of the globe demand us to unite and resist.
There are currently TPM representatives in many cities like
in Jakarta, Bandung, Serang, Semarang, Solo, Jogyakarta, Surabaya, Denpasar,
Palu, Poso, Ambon among others. TPM calls upon all moslem lawyers around the
world to unite in one international moslem bar association to advocate and
defend the cases that befall upon moslem worldwide.
TPM works independently with limited resources supported by
individual donation from some moslem lawyers and from moslems in Indonesia. TPM
is not dependant on any party inside or outside of the country.TPM does not
request fees for their legal works, however we gladly receive any sincere
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